USA Microchip Company and Chairman of Cafe-Cacao Association in Cote d'Ivoire Visited Korea

Last 14th to 18th April 2023, a meeting related to the microchip and semiconductor business was held at the MK Board room. The meeting was to develop and produce the production facility equipped with next-generation semiconductor technologies and products, and a representative of a leading microchip and semiconductor technology company in the United States came and had intensive discussions to explore future relations under MK`s invitation.
In fact, MK already organized exclusively for the professional team with prominent companies, institutions, and individuals in the domestic microchip and semiconductor industries for this meeting.
During the meeting, each party not only exchanges their view and opinions of business and next-generation technologies but also ways to promote business in the future as exclusive partnerships. After the meeting, the team also made touring together the company with excellent technology in the domestic semiconductor and microchip industry and reaffirmed the foundation of the future project.

Last 18th of April, the Chairman of the Café-Cacao Association in Cote d'Ivoire visited the M.K building with the Honorable Ambassador of Cote d'Ivoire in Korea. The visit of the Chairman of the Café-Cacao Association in Cote d'Ivoire was arranged through the official introduction of the Ambassador of Cote d'Ivoire in Korea.
Recently, MK has been collaborating with the Cote d'Ivoire Embassy on various projects. At this time, they proposed a new business regarding the agricultural sector development of the Cacao and coffee industry in Cote d'Ivoire were introduced, and MK responded positively to closely cooperate together.
During the meeting, the Ambassador of Cote d'Ivoire in Korea, the Chairman of Café-Cacao Association in Cote d'Ivoire, the Chairman of MK International Inc., the Chairman of the Korea Food Small and Medium Business Association, and senior managers in Korea's food industry attended and had in-depth discussions about the strategy and direction of participation and promoting the Cacao/Coffee Business as a joint partner business in a timely manner. The Chairman of the Café-Cacao Association extended to invitation for MK’s Team to visit Cote d’Ivoire in the near future and MK accepted it.