At a Glance: "5th Global Chinese Influence Awards Ceremony" 2019, Beijing
On August 4th 2019, Dr. Hae-Jung Jung, Chairman of M.K International Inc., was invited to the International Forum in Beijing as a Chairman of Asia-Africa Business Council, UN Initiatives, to deliver the Opening Remarks at the “5th Global Chinese Influence Awards Ceremony on the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of Founding of The People’s Republic of China and Global Impact Forum”.

The Forum is based on the theme of “Grand 70 Years, Brilliant New Age”. More than 500 representatives from various public and private sectors, including overseas guests from different parts of the world participated in the Summit.

During his speech, Dr. Jung mentioned and praised recent Chinese high-quality economic growth, innovative industrialization, rapid cluster city development in urbanization scheme, and emphasized these phenomenon can be effect to Chinese economy stabilization and its development.

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