About M.K
Scope of Business
PR Center
A Swiss Financial Company’s Visit to Korea for International Financing
Business Trip to Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Nigeria, UAE
Business Trip to Saudi Arabia and UAE
Business Trip in NY, Las Vegas, LA, TX
Visiting of U.S PRIME Financing Group to Korea and Signed a Global Investment LOI
"Business Trip for Energy, Med.Park & Funding in NY, TX, LA"
"International Rotary Club Congratulatory Remark 21, 2021"
"To the US for Financing, Oil & Gas and PPE Business"
Business Trip to Gabon, UAE, Germany and Poland
Business Trip to China and Visit of Delegations from Germany and Nigeria
2023 Recap: Highlights and Milestones
Business Trip to Conakry, Guinea
GICFO Conference in Beijing, China