Chairman Profile
MBA, BS in Civil (Architectural) Engineering, USA
Ph.D in Business Administration (Honor's Role), USA
Graduate School of IT Electronic Commerce, Seoul National University, Korea
1981 - Present
Chairman of M.K USA Ltd., USA
1983 - Present
Chairman of M.K International Inc.
1988 - 2003
Chairman of Kong-Ju Industrial complex in Korea
1995 - 2009
Director General of Korea Africa Association (KOAFA)
2001 - 2014
Honorary Consul General of Sierra Leone to Republic of Korea
2002 - 2004
Advisor of Human Resources Development Service of Korea
2003 - Present
Honorary International Representative for Chungbuk Province, Korea
Vice Chairman of Asia-Africa Chamber of Commerce, Consultative Committee, UNDP
Dr. Jung Hae-Jung
2003 - 2006
National Advisor of Korea International Trade Association for Africa & Middle East (KITA)
2005 - Present
Co-Chairman of Asia Africa Business Council, UN Initiatives
2007 - Present
Special Advisor to the President of Republic of Guinea-Bissau
2008 - Present
Ambassador Itinerant of the Republic of Guinea
2009 - Present
Ambassador At-Large and Special Advisor to the President of Rebulic of The Gambia
2010 - Present
Special Advisor/Professor of Beijing Foreign Studies University
2012 - Present
Foreign Policy Making Advisor of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Korea
2014 - Present
Chairman of Financial Committee of Korea-Ethiopia Business Council
2016 - Present
Investment Advisor to the Sejong Metropolitan Autonomous City, Korea
2016 - Present
Chairman of Union Council of Silk Road International Business Association, China
2017 - Present
Chairman of Korea Veteran Welfare Public Distribution Inc. in Korea
2017 - Present
Chairman of Buddhist Association of TaeGo Order of Korean Buddhism
2018 - Present
Advisor of Asia Culture Economic Promotion Institute
2018 - Present
Chairman of the International Finance Committee, World Federation of Korean Business
2018 - Present
Organizing Chairman at the International Conference of "Blokchain and 4th Industrial Revolution"
2018 - Present
Chairman of Korea-Angola Economic Council
2019 - Present
Chairman of Korea-Mali Business Cooperation Council
2019 - Present
Co-Chairman of the Presidium of the Global Chinese Influence Ceremony for Overseas Affairs and International Exchanges, China
2020 - Present
Co-Chairman of First Metro Infrastructure Ltd., Nigeria
2021 - Present
Chairman of the Africa Insight Empowerment Committee